International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Informative Article | Science and Technology | India | Volume 9 Issue 12, December 2020

Cybersecurity Workflows and Algorithmic Approaches in Vehicle Network Systems

Sanath Javagal [4]

Abstract: Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), bolstered by an intricate web of computational and network systems, have ushered in a groundbreaking evolution in the transportation sector. As the embodiment of cutting - edge technology, they inherently harbor a susceptibility to various cybersecurity threats, necessitating a formidable, structured cybersecurity workflow. This article unfurls a detailed exploration of eight crucial blocks constituting a generic cybersecurity workflow for AVs, accentuating each block's pivotal role in safeguarding these autonomous entities against cyber threats. Additionally, the discourse introduces and expounds upon specific algorithms relevant to each block, providing a pragmatic view toward implementing a secure, resilient cyber - ecosystem for AVs. Encompassing aspects such as Threat Detection, Risk and Vulnerability Assessment, Authentication, Authorization, Data Encryption, Intrusion Detection, Incident Detection, and Response and Recovery Management, the article endeavors to offer insights into amalgamating sophisticated algorithmic approaches with cybersecurity practices. In light of increasing cyber - attacks and the perpetual evolution of threat landscapes, ensuring the cybersecurity of AVs is not merely a technical requirement but an imperative to safeguard lives and assets. This exposition strives to extend a foundational framework, facilitating cybersecurity specialists and AV developers to engineer robust, secure autonomous driving systems, thereby propelling the seamless incorporation of AVs into our daily lives and future smart cities. This nuanced exploration serves as a stepping stone towards fostering enhanced cybersecurity protocols and strategies, ensuring the secure operation of AVs in the increasingly interconnected and digitalized global infrastructure.

Keywords: Autonomous Vehicles, Cybersecurity Threats, Algorithmic Approaches, Risk and Vulnerability Assessment, Incident Detection and Response

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 12, December 2020,

Pages: 1807 - 1811

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