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Review Papers | Environmental Science Studies | India | Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
Climate Change Induced Inequality in the Sundarbans, India
Ar. Tanima Bhowmik
Abstract: Inequality is the most anticipated topic to dwell on climate change discussions. Evidence - based research shows that there is a vicious cycle of suffering for disadvantaged people due to the adverse effect of climate change which has eventually given way to inequality. Sundarbans is one of the world?s largest tidal mangrove forests, home to many endangered species of wildlife and approximately 4.5 million inhabitants. With its unique flora and fauna, Sundarbans consists of a total of 102 islands out of which only 54 islands are inhabited by humans. Its unique ecosystem is the epitome of several natural calamities that have caused havoc on the region and its population. Being the hotspot of climate change, Sundarbans have faced multiple natural hazards like depletion of islands, the epicentre of the tropical cyclone, sea level rise, sudden climate change, high tide, etc. which has resulted in nearly 30, 000 climate induced refugees in the last three decade of the region. The presence of adequate healthcare facility and proper health of the community not only enhances the community growth but also results in socio - economics development of the community. The study of this paper shall intend to investigate the recurring issues that are faced due to climate change by the community of the Sundarbans region of India. Identifications of the probable issues and their impact on the inadequacies of healthcare facility due to climate change resulting on the exposure of the vulnerability of the community which are further amplifying in inequality and disparity of the region.
Keywords: climate change, vulnerability and inequality, health, healthcare infrastructure
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023
Pages: 692 - 697
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