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Research Paper | Obstetrics and Gynecology | India | Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023 | Popularity: 4.5 / 10
A Rare Case Report of Pemphigus Vulgaris in Pregnancy with Successful Pregnancy Outcome
Dr. Sonali Bhosle, Dr. Vikas Devkare, Dr. Swetha Pashikanti
Abstract: Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a rare immune mediated bullous dermatosis which progresses to form a fragile blisters and extensive lesions on the skin and mucous membranes, During pregnancy, exacerbation of PV is observed due to changes in maternal hormones and there are adverse effects of the drug on both mother and the fetus, hence it becomes more challenging to diagnose and manage the disease during pregnancy. We report a case of a 23-year-old woman who was diagnosed with pemphigus vulgaris (PV) before 2nd trimester of pregnancy. The patient presented with widespread blistering dermatitis and associated with burning pain and pruritus. A skin biopsy revealed suprabasal acantholysis, diagnosis of PV confirmed and treated with corticosteroids, antibiotics, antihistaminics after explaining the chances of anomalies and other adverse effects of steroids on the fetus. The pregnancy progressed to Full term normal vaginal delivery of the neonate without skin lesions or apparent complications. Obstetrician should know the clinical presentation, complication and outcome of the disease to prevent the further complications.
Keywords: Pemphigus vulgaris, pregnancy, autoimmune bullous dermatosis, corticosteroid
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023
Pages: 469 - 471
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