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Research Paper | Computer Science | India | Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
Analysis of Artificial Intelligence in Traffic Congestion and Management System
Asifullah Samim
Abstract: The management of road traffic has undergone a radical change as a result of the quick development of artificial intelligence (AI). The movement of people, things, cars, and cargo at various points on the transportation network may now be predicted and controlled by AI with remarkable accuracy. AI is making it feasible to prevent accidents by optimising flows at crossings and enhancing safety during times when roads are closed due to construction or other activities, in addition to offering citizens better service than ever before. Furthermore, efficient mass transit, like ride-sharing services, has been made possible by AI's capacity to process and analyse enormous volumes of data. Then how is road traffic management being revolutionised by AI? The study uses secondary data for analysis of the present study. This study is limited to automated vehicles including Taxis, Buses, Delivery vans or drones Trains, Commercial aircraft etc.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, Traffic Congestion, Traffic Congestion and Management
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023
Pages: 679 - 684
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