International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Microbiology | India | Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023

Exploring the Impact of Epilithic Cyanobacteria on the Heritage Monuments of Kota, Rajasthan

Pooja Sharma [7] | Neerja Shrivastava

Abstract: Cyanobacteria also called Blue Green Algae are gram negative, oxygenic photosynthetic prokaryotes. They show the ability of efficient nutrient uptake mechanism. Ancient monuments and temples are more exposed to sunlight and moisture of the environment and are the easiest sites for microbial colonization. Microbes are able to colonize on the walls of historical monument by forming biofilms or patinas. Biofilms of microbial cells degrade the asthetic value of ancient buildings and require lots of time and investment to eliminate them. The primary colonizers of stone monuments are seen as photosynthetic microorganisms (algae and Cyanobacteria). Many of the species of Cyanobacteria are able to tolerate climate extremes and hence require more attention to be study. It has been seen that Cyanobacteria need only light and water to grow and therefore can grow endolithically (4). They can tolerate extreme climate conditions. Cyanobacteria are able to survive on exposed surfaces of ancient walls and are greatly involved in biodeterioration of monuments (2). This makes more concern about the study of Cyanobacteria as they are the agents of stone property degradation in future. Kota city is situated near the bank of river Chambal. Kota have semi-arid climate throughout the year. Garh Palace also known as City palace is a historic place since foundation laid in 1264 C.E by Prince Jait Singh of Bundi. It comprises number of architectural structures of ancient times. It has a huge museum which displays royal arms and ammunitions. Another ancient monument is Abheda Mahal situated near Chambal River, built by Ummed Maharaj. It is also rich in heritage with beautiful pond inside it. Total 12 species isolated from the walls of monuments generally belongs to genus Nostoc (1), of the genera Gloeocapsa (2), Gloeothece (2), Aphanothece (1), Chroocococcus (2), Chroococcidiopsis (1), Tolypothrix (1) and Aulosira (1) of Cyanophyta. This study investigates the prevalence and impact of epilithic cyanobacteria on the walls of Garh Palace and Abheda Mahal in Kota, Rajasthan. Emphasizing the need for understanding cyanobacteria as role in biodeterioration, the study identifies various species colonizing these historical monuments and discusses their potential in degrading stone properties. Such insights are crucial for the preservation of heritage sites.

Keywords: Biofilms, Endolithically, Biodeterioration, Monuments, Cyanobacteria, Photosynthetic

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023,

Pages: 155 - 159

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