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Study Papers | Health and Medical Sciences | India | Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023 | Popularity: 5.3 / 10
Nursing Care Plan Documentation Status and give Suggestions to Improve the Same
Poonam Lohana
Abstract: Background: Nursing care plan documentation: Nurses play a vital role in the hospital by providing gentle and compassionate care. The nursing care is a continuous process and is documented in a systematic way for better health recovery of the patient. If medications are to heal the patient?s illness, the nursing care improves the patient?s comfort and helps them to recover better by their gentle touch and care. Impact of the study to the organization: Nursing care plan is continuous systematic way of providing care to the patient which would support medical management of patient at the Kunal hospital. This helps the nurse to assess the patient?s problem and plan the appropriate care for the patient?s problem statement thereby increasing patient satisfaction. It improves the patient recovery in the hospital hence decreasing the length of patient stay. The nursing skills of the staff will be improved. Objectives: 1) To assess the knowledge of nurses regarding Nursing care plan. 2) To improve the nursing care by documenting it in a systematic manner. The objectives of this study was to explore and describe the use of nursing care plans at Kunal Hospital. Methods: The Prospective study was carried over a period of 3 months from 1st July to 30th Sep. Training on Nursing Care Plan & Nursing Diagnosis as per Nanda Diagnosis is provided in month of July & In August 2023. Results: This study showed that most nurses (95%) felt that the use of nursing care plans increased the nurses? ability to provide high quality care; The main thrust of reported barriers to care plan utilization noted by registered nurses included a lack of training, inaccessibility to available evidence - based nursing practice, and heavy workload. Conclusion: This project has helped the nurses to update their previous knowledge on Nursing Care plan. After the post training evaluation the knowledge of staffs has been improved than before. The staffs will be able to use this to provide better patient care to the patient. Knowledge and training will increase the utilization of care plans by nurses? usage and they will add to the existing quality improvement in clinical practice in the hospital.
Keywords: Prospective stud, Nanda Diagnosis, Nursing care plans, quantitative survey. Utilization
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 12, December 2023
Pages: 47 - 50
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