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Analysis Study Research Paper | Finance | Niger | Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023 | Popularity: 4.6 / 10
Emotional Biases and Bank Financing Intentions of Small Businesses in Niger
Mamoudou Younoussa Daouda, Moustapha Aliou Ridda, Nassir Warzagane Ibrahim
Abstract: The research aims to analyze the impact of emotional biases on the bank financing intentions of small Nigerien businesses. Employing a two-phase quantitative analysis involving 100 exploratory and 210 confirmatory interviews with managers, the study reveals that anticipated fear and doubt significantly and negatively influence these financing intentions. This highlights the crucial role of psychological factors in financial decision-making among small businesses in Niger.
Keywords: Anticipated fear, doubt, managers, exploratory analysis, confirmatory analysis
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023
Pages: 2125 - 2133
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