International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Analysis Study Research Paper | English Language and Literature | India | Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023

Literary Cult and Feminism: Representing Women Power and Freedom (Pre - Modern Age to the Post - Modern Age)

Dr. Kavitha K [5]

Abstract: Women had a complex history and it is very difficult to provide a definite answer to the question what is women power? However, the power structures and domination have been preoccupied by men, even though women had marginal source of powers within their limits they thrived for it in their own ways. In order to understand what really counts to the power of women, one has to trace the history of women?s place and their roles in it. Right from the ancient times of patriarchal domination, women also exercised their authority obviously seeking power despite their limitation. These included reproductive propensity (maternity power), relational values (bondage power) and cultural and traditional confront (social power) those of which were the marginal resources right from the ancient period. The unique way to accomplish this research is through the literary figures of its time represented by great writers in their works. Further, to elaborate the intensification of changes occurred through different stages and to observe the cultural and traditional confront of social ramification and transformation in women?s position from the ancient times to the present, need to be illustrated by analyzing the critique of feminism, which helps us to understand for a close - reading.

Keywords: Womanhood, Power, Freedom, Fictional Characters, Feminism

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023,

Pages: 971 - 976

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