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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme regarding Childhood Behavioural Problem on Knowledge and Attitude on Selected Primary School Teachers, Tirupathi A. P. India
Tiyari Kalpana
Abstract: Objectives of the study: 1) To assess the knowledge and attitude of primary school teachers regarding common childhood behavioural problems. 2) To evaluate an effectiveness of structure teaching programme regarding selected childhood behavioural problems on knowledge and attitude of primary school teachers. 3) To associate the knowledge and attitude of primary school teachers with their selected demographic variables. Methodology: The research design applied for this study will be one group pretest post - test design. the study was conducted at the government elementary school with 30 primary school teachers by using non - probability purposive sampling will be adapted to select the samples of the study. Independent variable: structured teaching program regarding childhood behavioural problems. Dependent Variable: knowledge level of the teachers and attitude of teachers towards childhood behavioural problems of school children. Criteria for Sample Selection: Inclusion criteria: 1) primary school teachers working in selected schools with both male and female. 2) the headmistress/headmaster of the school. Exclusion criteria: 1) primary school teachers who are sick and absent during the period of collecting data. Results: The mean pre - test and post - test knowledge scores of respondents was 17.97 and 27.02 respectively.2. the mean pre - test and post - test attitude scores of respondents was 70.13 and 86.8respectively.3. comparison of the mean pre - test and post - test knowledge scores the 't' value 15.052 significant at 0.05 level which indicate that there is a significant difference between the knowledge level of the teachers before and after the implementation of the structured teaching program.4. comparison of the mean pre - test and post - test attitude score, the 't' value 11.336 significant at 0.05 level which indicate that there is a significant difference between the attitude level of the teachers before and after the implementation of the structured teaching program there is no association between the post - test knowledge and attitude scores of the teachers regarding childhood behavioural problems with the demographic variables
Keywords: Effectiveness, behavioural disorder, Primary school teachers, school going children
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023
Pages: 741 - 746
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