International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Medical Microbiology | India | Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023

Prevalence of Wound Infections; Evaluation of its Growth Frequency and Antibiotic Resistance Pattern in Chennai Population

Edwina Jospiene M [4] | Dr. S. Subramaniam [2] | Dr. Shyama Subramaniam [3]

Abstract: The prevalence of common wound infection occurrences in patients of selected population and evaluating the growth frequency including the infection rate followed by its antibiotic resistance pattern in Chennai population. Objective: The design of the study is to identify the cause of the common wound infection including post operative infection and identifying the bacteria analysing its frequency and its growth among Chennai population and also evaluating the antibiotic drug resistance pattern with the clinical correlation among the treatment available with the healthcare facilities. Materials and Methods: The samples were collected from the selected population with consent, cultured and differentiated based on morphological and interpretation based on biochemical tests. The frequency of the isolate causing infection and their antibiotic resistance were calculated using SPSS (version 21) at a significant level of P - value < 0.05. Results: Bacterial isolates were collected from the 300 clinical specimens, in which of 103samples are collected from male patients and 197samples are collected from female patients. The results showed that 38% were gram - positive and 62% were gram negative. In this study it is found that the Staphylococcus aureus was found frequently infecting the population and the drug resistance pattern was higher in the penicillin group of antibiotics. Conclusion: The effectiveness of the study is the identification of the bacteria quicker than the standard methods and enhance the use of effective antibiotic against the bacteria to reduce the risk of antibiotic drug resistance and proving effective healthcare to the patient.

Keywords: Bacterial infection, Antibiotic resistance, Post Operative, Wound infection

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023,

Pages: 373 - 379

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