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Case Studies | Computer Science and Information Technology | India | Volume 12 Issue 10, October 2023 | Popularity: 5.3 / 10
A Study on Data Mining Techniques to Improve Students' Performance in Higher Education
Shilpa K, Krishna Prasad K
Abstract: Data mining is a method for extracting information from enormous amounts of data. Data mining, also known as knowledge discovery from data, is the swift and straightforward detection of patterns that hint to knowledge that has been implicitly stored or recorded in big databases, data warehouses, the web, other massive data repositories, or information streams. In this essay, several data mining theories, approaches, tactics, and applications are discussed. The purpose of modern management promotion today is to improve the problem of inaccurate information transmission and increase productivity. The primary goal of contemporary administration is to increase the university potential to develop talent and serve society. The primary focus of this work is on the information management systems that colleges and universities construct utilizing data mining. For many disciplines in higher education, data mining offers useful solutions. Due to the abundance of student data that may be utilized to identify illuminating trends on how students learn, the area of education research is continuously growing. To evaluate student performance and assist them in showcasing the students' accomplishments, educational institutions might use educational data mining. This paper reviews various techniques used as knowledge extractors to tackle specific education challenges from large data sets of higher education institutions to the benefit of all educational stakeholders.
Keywords: Data Mining, Higher Education, Learning Behaviour, Clustering, Student Performance
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 10, October 2023
Pages: 1287 - 1292
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