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Case Studies | Medicine | Indonesia | Volume 11 Issue 9, September 2022 | Popularity: 4.7 / 10
Tuberculosis Infection in HIV-Positive Patient: A Case Report
Desak Putu Pratiwi, Anak Agung Gde Upeksha
Abstract: Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are a lethal combination, these two diseases accelerate disease progression one another. These infections affect each other in all aspects of the disease, from pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, treatment and prevention. This article aims to report a case of TB and HIV co-infection and its management. Case illustration: A twenty-eight-year-old male came with chief complaint shortness of breath. The patient also had a history of fever, cough, night sweats, weight loss, and malaise for one month. Laboratory examinations revealed leukocytosis, reactive anti-HIV immunoserology, gene Xpert MTB/RIF assay detected Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the specimen and showed no rifampicin (RIF) resistance. The chest x-ray obtained was active lung TB with secondary infection. The patient was diagnosed with active pulmonary TB and HIV. This patient was treated with Anti-tuberculosis drug 1st category. Discussion: Most common manifestation of TB-HIV co-infections are fever, weight loss, and cough Physical examination sometimes do not show signs that are specific to TB patients. It is recommended to screen TB in HIV patients because TB co-infection is common in HIV Patients. TB infection can be diagnosed by using sputum examination or GeneXPERT MTB/RIF. ARV administration is given at least 2 weeks after Anti Tuberculosis Drugs to prevent IRIS (Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome).
Keywords: Tuberculosis, HIV, Anti-Retroviral Therapy
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 9, September 2022
Pages: 981 - 984
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