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Research Paper | Medical Science | India | Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Interventional Package on Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Cervical Cancer among Women of Selected Rural Areas of District Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh
Kiran Sharma, Jaswinder Kaur
Abstract: Background: Cervical cancer is one of the most persistent cancers among women worldwide. Cancer is a term used to describe a group of disorders in which malignant cells proliferate and spread uncontrollably. Cervical cells may adhere to other tissues and grow into new tumours, causing damage to those tissues. Objectives: to assess the effectiveness of interventional package regarding prevention of cervical cancer among women. Methodology: A Quantitative and Pre-experimental design was used; 100 women were selected by using convenient sampling technique from selected study villages Nanu, Dimberand Bhanog. Data was collected by using self-structured knowledge questionnaire/ interview schedule and analysed by SPSS. Results: In pre-test, 91(91.0%) women were having inadequate knowledge, 9(9.0%) were having moderately inadequate knowledge and no one was having adequate knowledge whereas in post-test, 40(40.0%) were having adequate knowledge, 54(54.0%) were having moderately adequate knowledge and 6(6.0%) were having inadequate knowledge. The comparison, pre-test mean score i.e. mean knowledge and standard deviation was 12.080?3.8077 and in post-test was 21.920?2.8557, t-value was 33.792 and p value was <.001 it revealed effectiveness of interventional package. There was significant association between pre-test knowledge score with age (in years), educational status, occupational status and monthly income of family (in rupees) at<0.05 level of significance. Conclusion: The study finding concluded that there was significant improvement in post-test knowledge which showed that interventional package are important to raise women awareness about cervical cancer and its prevention.
Keywords: Cervical cancer, Interventional package, Knowledge, Prevention, Women
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022
Pages: 1224 - 1226
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