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Research Paper | Manufacturing Engineering | Ethiopia | Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022 | Popularity: 5.3 / 10
Development of Total Productive Maintenance System: A Case Study in Beverage Industry
Sisay Abera Belayneh, Houjun Qi, Doing Xianhui
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the factory maintenance system and propose total productive maintenance system towards improving performance of industry. Industries are required to practice a well - organized maintenance management system such as total productive maintenance (TPM) to increase machine productivity and produce quality products. TPM is aimed to reduce unplanned stoppage, breakdowns accidents and losses obstructing equipment effectiveness. Harar Beer Share Company (HBSC) is one of the beverage companies in Ethiopia. HBSC is affected by inefficient maintenance systems. As a result, the company is losing a considerable amount of production time each day. Hence, the objective of this study is to identify the causes of the inefficient maintenance system particular to the filler plant of HBSC. The problems are recognized through direct observation, interviews, reports, questionnaires and by analyzing machine downtime with maintenance budget. Additionally, root - cause analysis and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) tools have been used to identify the existing problems. The study findings indicate that TPM not only results to increase in efficiency and effectiveness of manufacturing equipment?s measured in terms of OEE index by reducing the failure, time loss, and defects but also it helps to improve morale of employees and working environment significantly.
Keywords: Total productive maintenance, TPM, root cause analysis, overall equipment effectiveness, OEE
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022
Pages: 954 - 960
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