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Case Studies | Physiotherapy | India | Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022 | Popularity: 5 / 10
Efficacy of Early Rehabilitation in Closed Traumatic Fracture of Knee ACL & PCL Tibial Bony Avulsion with Tibial Condyle with Common Peroneal Nerve Injury in Young Individual - A Case Study
Dr. Bansari Hitendra Modha, Dr. Hardik Trivedi
Abstract: Objective: To see the effectiveness of complete rehabilitation program in traumatic case of comminuted tibial condylar fracture with common peroneal nerve injury on left side. Materials & methods: The study includes a patient age 23 years female with comminuted closed traumatic fracture of knee ACL & PCL tibial bony avulsion with tibial condyle with footdrop on the left side. An entire rehabilitation protocol which incorporates various exercises and electric therapy was followed for this condition on regular basis daily. Result: during this study, outcome was pain assessment (NPRS), improvement in Range of motion. Strength-duration curve for peroneal nerve and lower extremity functional scale (LEFS) after giving physiotherapy management was checked. Conclusion: This study concluded that a correct rehabilitation protocol for lower limb injury encompasses a significant effect in reducing pain, increasing range of motion at knee and to enhance the performance of daily living.
Keywords: tibial fracture, foot drop, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, lower extremity function
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022
Pages: 890 - 894
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