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Research Paper | Health and Medical Sciences | India | Volume 11 Issue 7, July 2022 | Popularity: 5 / 10
Assessment of awareness of Ayushman Bharat Arogya Karnataka Scheme among Patients of Orthopaedic Department in Tertiary Care Hospital
R Lalrindiki, Megha R, Ayda Hamzeh, Dr. Ravindra P Choudhary, Dr. Basavanna PL, Dr. Hanumanthachar Joshi
Abstract: Background: This study aims to evaluate patients' awareness and understanding of ABARK scheme, as this scheme provides benefits for their health and treatment expenditure. Aims and Objective: To assess the awareness and knowledge of the ABARK scheme among patients admitted to orthopedic department of tertiary care hospital. Materials and Methods: A survey was carried out at Medical College Teaching Hospital, Mysuru for 6 months. The patient who is willing to participate, not severely ill, and Patient who are treated under ABARK scheme in Orthopaedic wards were included. ABARK survey was conducted using a questionnaire and scores were allotted and analyzed. Result: Out of 250 study subjects, 208 subjects responded ABARK survey which shows that54.3% (n=113) of subjects answered that they were aware of ABARK scheme before getting the treatment. Overall 68.2 % of the population understood and got benefitted from ABARK Scheme and 63.46% were satisfied by the treatment provided under the scheme. Interpretation and Conclusion: ABARK survey showed that yet most people are unaware of this scheme. So ABARK scheme awareness programs have to be conducted through various public campaigns, by providing counseling aids, and radio and television programs must be encouraged for better utilization of the scheme among the community.
Keywords: Orthopedics, ABARK scheme, awareness, survey
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 7, July 2022
Pages: 1286 - 1289
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