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Experimental Result Paper | Biomedical Sciences | Indonesia | Volume 11 Issue 7, July 2022 | Popularity: 5 / 10
Liver Protection Efficacy of Lemon Pepper Fruit's Methanol Extract Against Cadmium-Induced Rats
Patricia, Chrismis Novalinda Ginting, Linda Chiuman, Ali Napiah Nasution
Abstract: Studies had been performed to investigate various natural sources to look for liver protection effects against cadmium toxicity when the usage of cadmium in everyday life is high. Thus, this study was performed to investigate liver protection effects from a lemon pepper fruit against cadmium toxicity. Twenty-five male Wistar rats were grouped into five groups. Control (0.5% Na-CMC), standard, Lemon Pepper methanol extract (LPME)- I, II, and III were given a milliliter of 0.5% Na-CMC, 25 mg/kg BW quercetin, 300, 600, and 1, 200 mg/kg BW of LPME, respectively. The intervention was performed for 14 days, and cadmium solution was given at the last seven days. After 14 days, all rats were sacrificed for liver function tests and liver histology study. The best liver protection effect was shown at the highest dose than other doses; the highest dose of lemon pepper methanol extract decreased 41.10% ALT level and 59.39% AST level compared to control groups. The results were also supported by improvement of liver structure with minimal ballooning degeneration at the highest dose group. Overall, it can be concluded that the lemon pepper methanol extract at dose of 1, 200 mg/ kg BW had liver protection effects against cadmium toxicity.
Keywords: ALT, AST, Liver, Cadmium, Lemon Pepper
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 7, July 2022
Pages: 93 - 98
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