The Bioremediation of Lead from Used Lubricating Oil by Bacillus Subtilis Subspstercoris Strain EG127
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Analysis Study Research Paper | Biological Sciences | Indonesia | Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10


The Bioremediation of Lead from Used Lubricating Oil by Bacillus Subtilis Subspstercoris Strain EG127

Slamet Isworo, Hugi Cherlyawati, Dhea Ananda Rifani

Abstract: Background and Objective: The heavy metal content of used vehicle lubricating oil waste, particularly Lead (Pb), is a persistent waste that is difficult to decompose naturally. Bioremediation technology is one of the efforts to reduce lead (Pb) content in waste by utilizing the enzymatic activity of indigenous bacteria in the waste. This study aims to find, identify, and test bacteria that have the ability to bioremediate the heavy metal lead found in used vehicle lubricating oil. Methods: This study is a true experimental quantitative study. The rate of discoloration in Bromine Tymol Blue indicates that the original bacteria have been filtered. Using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer, the bacteria were tested for lead (Pb) degradation. The bacteria were then identified using morphology, biochemistry, and molecular genetics. Web-NCBI was used for genetic analysis, and MEGA 11 was used for phylogenetic structure. Result: The study showed that1 strain of bacteria was found to have the greatest ability to degrade lead. Bacillus velezensis is a close relative of this bacterium. Bacillus subtilis subspstercoris strain EG127 was identified as having the ability to bioremediate heavy metal Pb with 32 percent capability, from lead concentration of 1.62 ppm to 1.1 ppmfor 60 hours. Conclusion: This study concluded that bacteria capable of degrading lead from used oil waste can be found, isolated in nature as indigenous bacteria, and proven to be able to degrade lead from used oil waste.

Keywords: Bioremediation, Vehicle lubricating oil waste, Bacillus subtilis subspstercoris strain EG127, Lead (Pb), Indigenous bacteria

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022

Pages: 1417 - 1424


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Slamet Isworo, Hugi Cherlyawati, Dhea Ananda Rifani, "The Bioremediation of Lead from Used Lubricating Oil by Bacillus Subtilis Subspstercoris Strain EG127", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022, pp. 1417-1424,, DOI: