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Comparative Studies | Physical Education | India | Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10
A Comparative Study of Emotional Intelligence Between High and Low Achievers Sportsperson
Pradip Saini, T. Onima Reddy
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to compare emotional intelligence between high and low achiever's sportsperson. Methodology: For the present study the sample consisted of the Fifty (50) male sportspersons (Average age 23.41 years) who took part in national level individual and team events as well as who came in first four positions in these events were chosen and grouped as high achiever male sportspersons. To fulfil the objectives of the study, 50 intercollegiate male sportspersons (Average age 22.15 years) of team and individual sport were selected and grouped in as low achiever male sportspersons. Purposive sampling method was used in the presented study for selection of sportspersons. Procedure: The selected high and low achiever male sportspersons for the present study were subjected to the aforementioned tool in a laboratory like condition. Response obtained on statements of sports emotional intelligence test was scored off as per instruction given in manual. After scoring sports emotional intelligence scores between high and low achiever male sportspersons was compared with the help of independent sample 't' test. Result: There exists high achiever male sportspersons exhibited significantly superior sports emotional intelligence as compared to low achiever male sportspersons. Conclusion: It was concluded that sports emotional intelligence is potent variable that affect sports achievement of male sportspersons.
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, sports achievement, Sportsperson
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022
Pages: 1024 - 1026
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