Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Online Shopping
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Statistics | India | Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022 | Popularity: 4.5 / 10


Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Online Shopping

Maitrey Bhagat

Abstract: The origination of the internet created an entire new experience for consumers regarding gathering information, comparing products or prices and the possibility of purchasing on the internet. Therefore consumer behaviour on the internet is an important factor for marketers. To predict consumer behaviour on the internet marketers need to understand how, where and why consumers behave online. This paper tries to analyze studies done by various researchers in order to explore what online channels consumers use when they are in a particular stage of the buying decision process (BDP). Then study will create more understanding about why and how on - line consumers go through their buying decision process (BDP). It will be helpful in drawing a modified and more effective marketing policy. This research paper investigated the perception of customers about online shopping in the perspective of value of the goods to buy.

Keywords: Buying Decision, Value of the Goods

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022

Pages: 180 - 185


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Maitrey Bhagat, "Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Online Shopping", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022, pp. 180-185,, DOI:

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