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Review Papers | Medicine | Albania | Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022 | Popularity: 4.4 / 10
Brucellosis in Immunocompromised Individuals
Shkelqim Kurti, Ergys Ramosaco
Abstract: Brucellosis is an infectious disease of animals (zoonosis) that is transmittable to humans by wild and domestic animals. Several Brucella species have been identified, 6 of which are human pathogens. The incidence of brucellosis varies considerably from time to time and from one country to another. Recently, brucellosis has been increasingly recognized in patients with comorbid medical conditions and in immunocompromised individuals. The course of the disease varies considerably from totally asymptomatic to a severe illness that is potentially fatal. Complications, chronic infections and relapses are prone to occur particularly in patients with low immunity. Human brucellosis has protean clinical manifestations and the occasionally misleading clinical picture may contribute to under - diagnosis of the disease. Consequently, complications may evolve and treatment may be delayed. Therefore, sustaining a high index of suspicion is important as early diagnosis and prompt therapy improve the outcome and prevent complications.
Keywords: brucellosis, immunocompromised hosts, complication, prevention
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022
Pages: 172 - 176
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