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Research Paper | Religion | Indonesia | Volume 11 Issue 3, March 2022 | Popularity: 4.3 / 10
Cultural Inculturation: Riyaya Undhuh-Undhuh Celebration in Worship in Java Christian Church, Dagen-Palur, Surakarta
Indri Jatmoko
Abstract: Pluralism is a necessity in human tradition and culture. Through culture, humans can live together, adapt and inculturate according to the context of place and time. Cultural products, including knowledge, morals, law, capacity and other behaviours, become a human experience in interacting. The Dagen-Palur Javanese Christian Church develops local theology in contextual cultural inculturation. Kejawen culture in the land of Java is not an obstacle in interacting horizontally between people and the surrounding community but can also interact vertically through liturgical facilities that build human interaction with God. Riyaya undhuh-undhuh celebrations are a form of inculturation in which church culture and teachings unite, making social togetherness and togetherness in worship in the church. The local theology developed by the Javanese churches, in this case, the Dagen-Palur GKJ, became the starting point for developing a very diverse cultural inculturation in Indonesia. This paper hopes that studies of local culture will emerge, which can be studied academically. This study and research are also expected to contribute to preserving indigenous culture, which is the most beautiful and precious gift from God for the Indonesian people who live in a diversity of ethnicities, cultures, and languages.
Keywords: Cultural inculturation, riyayaundhuh-undhuh, GKJ Dagen-Palur
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 3, March 2022
Pages: 1028 - 1031
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