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Analysis Study Research Paper | Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine | Malaysia | Volume 11 Issue 3, March 2022 | Rating: 5 / 10
Gradient Different Weight Application In SPECT Volume Estimation
Mohd Akmal Masud, Mohd Zamani Ngali, Siti Amira Othman
Abstract: Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is one of the modalities to detect a cancer lesion and tumour thyroid uptake in nuclear medicine. The low spatial resolution capabilities to form image data of SPECT is quite challenging for the determination required dose for delineation lesion. Robust techniques for automatic or semi-automatic segmentation of objects in sing le photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) are still the subject of development. This paper describes a threshold based which uses the gradient different weight method using the Matlab 2021b algorithm. For every pixel in the grayscale image, the approach calculates the pixel weight. Evaluation is performed based on the NEMA phantom to determine volume, activity concentration, and dice similarity coefficient. In addition, the Monte-Carlo simulated patient data are used to investigate the delineated tumour volumes using the gradient different weight method algorithm.
Keywords: SPECT, Gradient Different Weight, Intelligent Algorithms
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 3, March 2022
Pages: 779 - 784