International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Health and Medical Sciences | Somalia | Volume 12 Issue 10, October 2023 | Rating: 5.4 / 10

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Malaria Prevention among Pregnant Women in Warta-Nabada District Mogadishu-Somalia

Mohamed Daud Mohamud [2]

Abstract: The research titled was to identify knowledge, attitude and practice towards malaria prevention among pregnant women in Warta-nabada District Mogadishu-Somalia Background: in 2007, over 125 million pregnancies occurred in areas of malaria transmission and malaria accounts for an estimated 10,000 maternal and 200,000 neonatal deaths per year (Dellicour S T. A,, 2010). Furthermore, malaria infected erythrocytes can easily accumulate in the placenta. Antibodies directed against the surfaces of infected erythrocytes in the placenta are important in protection, and are usually absent in first pregnancy (Rogerson SJ, 2007). Pregnancy related immunosuppressant also increases the chance of severe malaria and related mortality compared to other adults (McGready R, 2012). Specific objectives of the study: (1)To find out knowledge towards malaria prevention among pregnant women in Warta-nabada District Mogadishu-Somalia (2)To assess attitude towards malaria prevention among pregnant women and (3) To describe practice towards malaria prevention among pregnant women. Methodology: The study design used was cross sectional study, the sampling technique was the probability sampling especially simple random sampling. The sample size was 80. The main tool to collect the data was questionnaire. The quantitative data analyzed by using SPSS V.23. Results: The Majority of the respondents 55(68.8%) replied Malaria can be prevented as soon as it occurs, while the majority of the respondents 45(56.3%) were from health workers, whereas the majority of the respondents of this study 43(53.8%) reported that there any specific measures you make if you are infected. Conclusion: This study on level of knowledge, attitudes and malaria preventive practice among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic was average and reflected situation that puts the women at risk of continued malaria transmission. The observed inadequate preventive behavior strongly suggests scaled up health education and counseling to meet what is required to attain zero malaria transmission. Recommendation: 1) To make malaria awareness for the community. 2) To encourage the mothers to use mosquito nets which prevent the bites from mosquitoes 3) To educate the mothers the importance of taking anti-malarial treatment.

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Malaria Prevention, Pregnancy

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 10, October 2023,

Pages: 772 - 775

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