International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Masters Thesis | Pediatric Nursing | India | Volume 11 Issue 3, March 2022

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Information Booklet regarding the Knowledge and Practice of Staff Nurses to Prevent and Control Nosocomial Infection in Pediatric Unit in selected Hospitals, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Shweta Negi

Abstract: Nosocomial infection is frequent, complication affecting hospitalized patients after the admission within 72 hours. Now a day's students are taking clinical experience from various health care setting globally more than 1.4 million people suffering from the nosocomial infection complications. In India the rate of nosocomial infection in year 2010-2011 is 38.7% of hospitalized patient. Nosocomial infections are also called Hospital acquired infections, developing in the patients after admission to hospital, which were neither present nor in incubation at the time of hospitalization. Such infections may manifest during their stay in hospital or, sometimes, after the patient is discharged. Patient in hospital are likely to get sick due to a new variety of microorganisms responsible for wide spectrum of hospital infection. So, hospital has increasingly become unsafe place for patient during their stay. Infection is a health hazard of great expense and significance affecting the final outcome of treatment. Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge and practice of nurses regarding nosocomial infection. 2. To find out the effectiveness of information booklet distribution on knowledge and practice of nurses in pediatric unit by assessing pretest and post test scores. 3. To find out the association between knowledge and practice score of staff nurses regarding nosocomial infection and selected demographic variables. 4. To find out the correlation between the knowledge and practice score of staff nurses regarding nosocomial infection. Hypothesis: H1- There is a significance difference between the knowledge and practice of staff nurses regarding prevention of nosocomial infection, before and after the distribution of information booklet. H2 -There is a significant association between the knowledge and practice regarding Nosocomial Infection with their demographic variables. Research approach: A quantitative research approach was used. Research design: Pre- experimental one group pre-test & post- test research design. Setting: SMI Hospital Patel Nagar and CMI Hospital Dehradun. Sample size & technique: 40 Staff nurses Pediatric Unit in Selected Hospital by Convenient sampling Technique. Method of data collection and tool: Self develop structured questionnaire and checklist. Result: Major finding of the study revealed that Highest percentage of Staff nurses 57.5% was in the age group of 20-25 years, Highest percentage of staff nurses 55% was in the education, Highest percentage of Staff nurses designation was 52.5%. Highest percentage of staff nurses 55% were from work experience of staff, Highest percentage of staff nurses 100% belongs to urban area. Highest percentage of staff nurses 67.5% was in the working unit. Highest percentage of staff nurses 100% was having previous knowledge, Highest percentage of staff nurses 67.5% was having information from College. Pre-test analysis in response to knowledge questionnaires revealed that in Pre-test 2.5%of subject?s adequate knowledge and in post test that was increased to 100%. Moderate knowledge score in pretest was 45% that was reduced to 0%. Inadequate knowledge score in pre test was 52.5% that was reduced to 0% in post test. There is significant difference between the pre and post-test scores of knowledge questionnaires was demonstrated by using paired ?t? test and computed between pre-test and post-test knowledge score. The value of paired ?t? test for knowledge score is 14.68 with the table value 2 at 0.05 level of significance was found to be highly significant relationship between pre-test and post-test scores. So in this study it was found that booklet information is effective in improving the knowledge of staff nurses regarding Nosocomial infection. The study proved that there was not significant association between pretest knowledge score and selected demographic variables Age, Education of staff, Designation of staff, Area of working, Working unit, Any previous knowledge, Sources of information at 0.05 level of significance. There is significant association between demographic variables Duration of work at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the research hypothesis H2 accepted. This study proved that there is significant association between knowledge scores with their selected demographic variables. Conclusion: Study revealed that in response to knowledge questionnaires in Pre-test 2.5% of subject?s adequate knowledge and in post test that was increased to 100%. Moderate knowledge score in pretest was 45% that was reduced to 0%. Inadequate knowledge score in pre test was 52.5% that was reduced to 0% in post test. This indicate that booklet information are effective in improving knowledge of students.

Keywords: Knowledge, Effectiveness, Information booklet, Practice, Staff Nurse, Prevent, Pediatric Unit, Nosocomial infection

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 3, March 2022,

Pages: 330 - 336

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