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Research Paper | Ayurveda | India | Volume 11 Issue 3, March 2022 | Popularity: 4.6 / 10
Therapeutic and Safety Aspects of Amrita
Dr. Swati Sharma
Abstract: Amrita (Guduchi) has been used in Ayurvedic preparations for the treatment of various ailments throughout the centuries. It is used as a rasayana to improve the immune system and body resistance against infections. The whole plant is used medicinally; however, the stem is approved for use in medicine as listed by the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. The phytoconstituents reported from this herb belong to different classes, such as alkaloids, diterpenoid lactones, glycosides, steroids, phenolics, aliphatic compounds and polysaccharides. Various properties of amrita has been described in ancient texts of Ayurveda, like Rasayana, Sangrahi, Balya, Agnideepana, Tridoshshamaka, Dahnashaka, Mehnashaka, Kasa-swasahara, Pandunashaka, Kamla-Kushta-Vataraktanashaka, Jwarhara, Krimihara, Prameha, Arshnashaka, Kricch-Hridroganashak, etc., are acquiring scientific validity through modern researches. Potential medicinal properties reported by scientific research include anti-diabetic, antipyretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, antioxidant, anti-allergic, anti-stress, anti-leprotic, antimalarial, hepato-protective, immuno-modulatory and anti-neoplastic activities. This review brings together various properties and medicinal uses of amrita described in Ayurvedic classical texts along with phytochemical and pharmacological characters.
Keywords: Anti-leprotic, Balya, Phytoconstituents, Prameha, Rasayana, Tridoshashamaka
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 3, March 2022
Pages: 211 - 215
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