International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Physiotherapy | India | Volume 11 Issue 1, January 2022

Prevalence of Injuries and Risk Factors in Dancers

Nirali Bhutada | Pournima Pawar

Abstract: Background: Dance is a form that places stress on the musculoskeletal system because the individual adopts anti-anatomic positions while performing a particular technique. The implication of repetitive movements which require adequate flexibility, endurance, and strength makes their bodies susceptible to overuse injuries. As each dance style is different with distinct characteristics, there is a possibility of having different types of injuries which are specific to each dance modality. Hence, there is a necessity to recognize the casual factors of dance injuries associated with a set of specific techniques and their certain elements used in daily practice. Method: This was a cross-sectional survey that included 50 samples both male and female who were practicing dance regularly. Components of the questionnaire to be filled by each subject named modified Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre Questionnaire on Health Problems were explained which consisted of Individual Dance Injury Report Form and Dance-Specific Questionnaire on Health Problem. Results and Conclusion: Lack of seeking medical attention post-injury resulting in insufficient recovery from the initial injury was found to be a considerable risk factor in dancers. This concluded that the severity of injuries along with risk factors impacted the participation of a dancer as a performer.

Keywords: Dance, Injuries, Risk Factors, Injury Prevention, and Awareness

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 1, January 2022,

Pages: 1531 - 1535

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