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Research Paper | Geography | India | Volume 11 Issue 1, January 2022 | Popularity: 4.5 / 10
Impact of Terrain on Surface Water Bodies - A Study of Ranga Reddy District Using Dem
Dr. K. Sudarshan, B. Srinagesh
Abstract: In today's world, water is a main source. Because of varying climatic and physical circumstances, it is not evenly distributed in all places of the earth. Because of the scarcity of resources and widespread use, it is in high demand. It is a necessary instrument for maintaining ecological balance and controlling nature on the planet's surface. Surface water bodies will be affected by elevation or terrain. The major goal is to utilise DEM to discover or locate water resources based on the slope and elevation of the research region, and the influence of slope on ground water.
Keywords: DEM, Terrain, Surface water Bodies, slope, aspect
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 1, January 2022
Pages: 1379 - 1382
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