An Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge regarding Infection Control Protocol among GNM 3rd Year Students in F. I. College of Nursing. (UP)
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Experimental Result Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10


An Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge regarding Infection Control Protocol among GNM 3rd Year Students in F. I. College of Nursing. (UP)

Jyoti Grace Masih

Abstract: Background of the study: Infection control protocol is the provision by nurse of specialist advice and support on infection control procedures with health and social care settings. In addition to this role a key element of infection control nursing is the public health function including the prevention of diseases and injury to patients, clients and communities. Infection control protocols are the provision by nurse of specialist advice and support on infection control procedures with health and social care settings. In addition to this role a key element of infection control nursing is the public health function including the prevention of diseases and injury to patients, clients and communities. Infection control nursing provides advice and support related to service delivery arrangements, the environment of care and management of outbreaks of diseases. This support and advice is provided through education and training initiatives, development of guidance and protocols, participation in surveillance and monitoring, audit and re?search, outbreak management and on-going advice to service providers. Methods: The study was conducted in F I college of nursing, Lucknow. The target population for the study was students of GNM 3rd from F. I. College of nursing. The present study included 30 nursing students of 20-30 years of age A variable is a measurable or potentially measurable component of an object or event that may fluctuate in quantity or quality or that may be different in quantity or quality from one individual object or event to another individual object or event of the same general class. There are three types of variables-Independent Variables: Planned teaching programme. Dependent variables: Knowledge of GNM 3rd year students regarding infection control protocol. Extraneous variables Demographic Variables: Age, sex, education, religion. The nursing students were asked to complete the questionnaire method. Structured questionnaire was used to collect base line data for the knowledge level of infection control protocols. Result: The collected data were analysed by using both descriptive statistics (Mean, Standard deviation, Frequency, Percentage.) and inferential statistics (Paired't' test and Chi-square) and results were drawn. Major Study Findings are Among GNM 3rd year students, most of them were 20-25 years 25 (83.3%), female sex 23 (76.6%), Hindu 28 (93.3%). Regarding the knowledge on infection control protocol among GNM 3rd year students in experimental most 17 (68%) of them had inadequate knowledge. With regard to the effectiveness of Planned teaching programme regarding infection control protocol on knowledge among GNM 3rd year students , the post-test mean value of knowledge was higher than the pre-test mean value of knowledge. The obtained 't' value for knowledge was 6.81 that was highly significant at p<0.05 level. There was no significant association between the knowledge regarding Infection control protocol among GNM 3rd year Students with their selected demographic variables such as age, Gender, marital status, religion,. Mean and standard deviation of the pre-test and post-test knowledge scores were: 4.7, 3.7 and 16.7, 2.20 respectively. The mean post-test knowledge sores (67.06) was significantly higher than mean pre-test knowledge scores (49.06). "t" value i. e.6.81was found to be significant at 0.05 level of 29, Suggesting the effectiveness of PTP in increasing the knowledge of care givers in infection control protocol among health care personnel. Conclusion: On the basis of above reported findings of the study the following conclusion drawn-Deficit of knowledge regarding the infection control protocol existing in varying degrees among the GNM 3rd year students in F. I. college of nursing. The planned teaching was found to be effective in increasing the knowledge of GNM 3rd year students regarding infection control protocol.

Keywords: Assess Effectiveness, Knowledge, Nosocomial infection, infection control protocols

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023

Pages: 19 - 21


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Jyoti Grace Masih, "An Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Program on Knowledge regarding Infection Control Protocol among GNM 3rd Year Students in F. I. College of Nursing. (UP)", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 12 Issue 1, January 2023, pp. 19-21,, DOI:

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