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Review Papers | Ayurveda | India | Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022 | Rating: 4.2 / 10
Ergonomics Principles for Computer Vision Syndrome
Dr. Sakshi Sharma, Mahendra Kumar Sharma
Abstract: Spending many hours a day in front of a computer can have a very harmful impact on our body. Most of the computer users unknowingly by extending their wrists, slouching, sitting without foot support, and straining to look at poorly placed monitors putting so much physical stress on their body. These habits can cause cumulative trauma disorders or repetitive stress injuries, which make a lifelong impact on health by causing the emerging pandemic of new era known as Computer vision Syndrome. They may show symptoms like pain of neck, pain at back, eye muscle fatigue, irritation in eyes, blurred vision, headache etc. and all these leads to reduced work performance. Ergonomics helps to reduce strain, fatigue, and injuries at workplace by improving product design and workplace interior arrangement. The main aim is to attain a comfortable, relaxed posture for working people and providing them relief from the symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome.
Keywords: cumulative trauma disorders, repetitive stress injuries, computer vision syndrome, ergonomics
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022
Pages: 265 - 267