A Comparative Study of Lignocaine with Ondansetron as Pretreatment to Prevent Pain on Injection of Propofol
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Comparative Studies | Anaesthesiology | India | Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022 | Popularity: 5 / 10


A Comparative Study of Lignocaine with Ondansetron as Pretreatment to Prevent Pain on Injection of Propofol

S. Rahimunissa, Bommana Boina Mayuri, Dr, Ramesh

Abstract: Introduction and Objectives: On injection, propofol is known to elicit strong, acute, stinging, or burning pain, which can be unpleasant for the patient. This study is undertaken to decrease the pain caused by Propofol injections during anaesthesia induction. To compare the drug efficacy of Lignocaine and Ondansetron in reducing the pain on injection of Propofol and to detect an agent with minimal side effects. Material and Methods: 100 patients of age group 18 to 60 years of age of ASA Grade 1 and 2 posted for elective surgeries under General anaesthesia were selected and randomly divided into two groups of 50 patients in each group. Group 1 received lignocaine (0.1mg /kg) and group 2 received ondansetron (0.1mg/kg) as pretreatment. parameters like pain during induction, PR, BP, SPO2, ECG , postoperative nausea, vomiting, myoclonus, post operative pain recal were studied and compared. Results: Thecomparision of mean differences of HR, SBP, DBP, SPO2, between group 1 &2 at different intervals of before induction, duringinduction, intraoperatively at 5, 10, 15 minutes and post operative was shown statistically not significant (P>0.05). the association between the groups with the pain score level (P = 0.370), pain recall (P = 0.074), and PONV (P= 0.334). was shown statistically not significant. Conclusion: Ondansetron 0.1 mgkg - 1 decreases the injection pain significantly. Both Ondansetron 0.1 mgkg - 1 and lignocaine 0.1 mg kg - 1 were shown similarly effective pre - treatment drugs for the prevention of propofol injection - induced pain. Ondansetron has the added advantage of reducing PONV. No significant hemodynamic changes are caused by both the drugs.

Keywords: Propofol, Pain on Injection, Ondansetron, Lignocaine. Pre Treatment

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022

Pages: 294 - 298

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SR221203123825

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S. Rahimunissa, Bommana Boina Mayuri, Dr, Ramesh, "A Comparative Study of Lignocaine with Ondansetron as Pretreatment to Prevent Pain on Injection of Propofol", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022, pp. 294-298, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=SR221203123825, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SR221203123825

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