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Doctoral Thesis | Obstetrics and Gynecology | India | Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022 | Popularity: 5 / 10
Role of Blood Transfusion in Obstetric Cases in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Preetkanwal Sibia, Bharathi Moode
Abstract: Background: Blood transfusion is an integral part of patient management in obstetrics and gynecology. Blood transfusion can be a life saving intervention and is used routinely by Obstetricians and gynaecologists so they need to be aware of the potential complications of blood transfusion and the appropriate use of blood transfusion in their practice. Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted between April 2019 to March 2020 in department of obstetrics and gynecology, Government Medical College, Tertiary care centre, Punjab. The obstetric patients given transfusion were analysed in respect of their demographic profile, dietary habits, indications of blood transfusion, amount of blood transfused and transfusion reaction. Results: During this period, total of 8404 obstetric patient were admitted, of which total of 2224 patients (26.46%) were transfused with 6866 units of blood and blood components. During the study period there was 4925 deliveries (2939 vaginal deliveries, 1986 cesarean deliveries).75.45% of Patients requiring blood transfusion were in 21-30 years age group and 72.30% of women were of gestational age 30-40 weeks. Patients requiring blood transfusion were rural (74.82%), vegetarian (59.13%), illiterate (52.43%), upper lower socioeconomic class (43.12%), unbooked (58.99%), multi gravida (74.82 %). Maximum (37.95%) of antenatal patients who required blood component were of anaemia. Patients with severe anemia requiring blood transfusion were 46.99%. Early pregnancy haemorrhage (24.55%), late pregnancy haemorrhage (12.99%), HELLP Syndrome with thrombocytopenia (5.17%) and Pre-eclampsia (0.67%) were other indications. Intrapartumtraumatic indications included cervical tear (4.90%), vaginal laceration (3.82%) rupture uterus (1.35%), vuval hematoma (0.63%). Indications during postnatal period requiring transfusion included anemia (7.42%), Postnatal uterine Atony haemorrhage (1.17%) and puerperal sepsis (1.08%). Patients transfused with PRBC were 93.75%, 23.70 % patients received FFP, 20.17% received Platelet Concentrate, and 0.45% received Cryoprecipitate. 1.89% Patients developed adverse transfusion reaction. Conclusions: Therefore this study concludes that Anaemia still persists to be a major cause for blood and blood product transfusion. These results show that inadequate antenatal care of woman, poor nutrition and lack of awareness of importance of hematinic therapy are major factors. Blood transfusion though a lifesaving procedure, still possess and finite risk of adverse transfusion reactions.
Keywords: Blood transfusion, Anaemia, Obstetric haemorrhage, Blood components, Adverse transfusion reaction
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022
Pages: 307 - 311
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