Correlation of First Primary Palatine Rugae with the Maxillary Canine Teeth
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Analysis Study Research Paper | Dentistry | India | Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022 | Popularity: 5.3 / 10


Correlation of First Primary Palatine Rugae with the Maxillary Canine Teeth

Dr. K. Gopi Krishna Reddy, Dr. M. Lakshmi Sowmya, Dr. B. Rajendra Prasad, Dr. R. Priyadarshini, Dr. P. Raveen Teja, Dr. PVB Chandrasekhar

Abstract: Background: The first palatine rugae, being the most prominent, have been related to the location of the canine in literature. This relationship can be used as an anthropometric measurement, for comparison between different communities and as guideline for prosthetic teeth arrangement. Introduction: Soft tissue topography of the human palate has been shown to be related to the positions of natural teeth. An understanding of these relationships allows one to arrange artificial teeth during removable or fixed prosthesis fabrication. Aim: Toanalyse the relationship between the first primary palatine rugae to the location of the maxillary canines and to compare between males and females regarding the position of rugae. Materials and methods: 100 casts were evaluated for the correlation between the primary palatine rugae and the right and left canine teeth by simple direct manual measurements with simple armamentarium (carbon pencil, scale and divider). Results and summary: Out of total 100 casts taken into consideration on the right side it showed 76% located anteriorly and 24% located posteriorly and on the left side 60% located anteriorly and 40% located posteriorly. There was no gender bias of significance (z=1.95, P=0.5). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate an anterior location of the primary palatine rugae with relation to the canine as the predominant finding in both males and females. The distal contact point of canine should be within 1 mm anterior to 1 mm posterior of the lateral border of the first primary rugae. Keywords: First palatine rugae, Primary palatine rugae, Canine teeth.

Keywords: First palatine rugae, Primary palatine rugae, Canine teeth

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022

Pages: 695 - 697


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Dr. K. Gopi Krishna Reddy, Dr. M. Lakshmi Sowmya, Dr. B. Rajendra Prasad, Dr. R. Priyadarshini, Dr. P. Raveen Teja, Dr. PVB Chandrasekhar, "Correlation of First Primary Palatine Rugae with the Maxillary Canine Teeth", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022, pp. 695-697,, DOI: