International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Health and Medical Sciences | Somalia | Volume 11 Issue 1, January 2022

Level of Infection Control Measures in Hospitals Case Study: Rubaga and Entebbe Grade B Hospitals

Mohamed Daud Mohamud [2]

Abstract: Results of the study indicate that on average, the two hospitals scored the same on gloves use, with a high mean of 3.72. The t-test statistics and p-values revealed that there are no significant differences in the mean scores for the two hospitals. This is because, all the p-values were less than 0.05 and 0.10, meaning that at levels of significance, 90 and 95, the two hospital staffs equally use gloves in their hospital practices. However the researcher observed that some of the departments in the two hospitals were not using hand gloves properly for example in the immunization departments of both Entebbe and Rubaga hospitals. The results show that 69% of the workers indicated that they have bins with lid, while 20.7% use plastic bags. The results further suggest that Rubaga hospital is at a higher level of providing waste collection materials compared to Entebbe. On how the infected wastes are disposed, results indicate that almost 80% of the staff in the two hospitals together said that infected wastes are disposed through incineration. The results indicate that 42% of the staff in the two hospitals had been immunized against TB, Hepatitis B, and Tetanus Toxoid, while 38.5% had been immunized for only Hepatitis B. In Entebbe hospital the biggest number of those who were immunized for one disease was for those who were immunized for only Hepatitis B (37.8%) as well as in Rubaga hospital (38.8%). Rubaga has a slightly higher rate of immunization of the diseases (42.9%) compared to Entebbe hospital (40%). Other diseases that respondents had been immunized against were yellow fever happened to surpass the rest with a 40% rate in the two hospitals, followed by influenza (18.3%) then only polio (11.7%) and then Polio, Measles and BCG, are at 10%. The study recommended hospital staff in developing countries about effective infection control programs. (i)-Training of health workers or health providers in Hospital Acquired Infections. (ii) The Ministry of health managed Entebbe hospital should ensure consistent supply of water electricity so that the institution is able to maintain good infection control activities at all times. . (iii) The hospital management at Entebbe should revisit their strategy on policy management to emphasize availability of policy guidelines. (iv) It is recommended that the holding of infection control committee meetings be made frequent so that chances for knowledge and knowledge sharing are increased HAIs.

Keywords: Hospital acquired infections, personal protective equipment, hospital management, infection control guidelines

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 1, January 2022,

Pages: 409 - 417

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