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Research Paper | Health and Medical Sciences | India | Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022 | Popularity: 4.6 / 10
A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Practice on National Institute of Health Stroke Scale among Staff Nurses Working in Private Multi-Specialty Hospital of Vidarbha Region, Maharashtra
Satesh D. Ghule
Abstract: The study findings reveals that the majority of staff nurses were had average knowledge (74%) whereas only 2% and 5% of them had very good knowledge and poor knowledge respectively regarding NIHSS. However, With regard to practice, around 28% of Staff Nurses had good level of practice and 72% had excellent level of practice score. There is no significant association of level knowledge score and practice score By using Pearson?s Correlation coefficient negative correlation was found between knowledge and practice score (r=-0.166, p=0.099) which proves that as the knowledge score increase practices of nursing staff also decreases (r=-0.166, p-value=0.099). There is no significant association of level knowledge score and practice in relation to age (years), gender, education, experience, duration of working area, working in private multi-specialty hospitals of Vidarbha region, Maharashtra.
Keywords: Health, Stroke, Nurse, NIHSS
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022
Pages: 109 - 111
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