International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Food Science | India | Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023

A Study on the Acceptance of Traditional Tuluva Cuisine in Mangalore

Claret Shalini Dsouza

Abstract: Mangalore is an important port city in the South Indian state of Karnataka. With its Arabian coastline, it is home to a variety of cuisines. Tuluva cuisine forms a part of the Mangalorean cuisine which comprises cuisines like Udupi as well as cuisines of different Mangalorean communities like the Hindus, Christians, and Muslims with the Tuluva ethnic group forming the majority of the population. Tuluva cuisine comprises some unique dishes such as Chicken Sukka, Neer Dosa, Kori Rotti, Patrode, Kadubu, Bangude Pulimunchi, Chicken Ghee roast, and many more which are found to be prepared predominantly in this region of the country. It's being liked now by people all over the country. As a result, there is an increase in the number of Mangalorean-based restaurants sprouting all over Karnataka and the country as well. Hence, it is difficult to give the exact number of such restaurants as it's an unorganized sector given the vast street food sections which are known worldwide. The present study was conducted to understand the acceptance of the people towards these traditional Tuluva cuisines. As preparation of these traditional foods is time-consuming and with an increased surge in the number of working-class women as well as increased growth of convenience foods, people prefer consumption of these food items at restaurants/hotels. Hence, this study also focuses on understanding the opinion of people going to restaurants serving authentic Tuluva dishes. The findings of the study revealed that the major portion of the customers visiting the restaurant opted for traditional Tuluva cuisine over other food items offered by the restaurant, also the authenticity of the traditional foods played an idle role in the acceptance of these foods.

Keywords: Tuluva cuisine; Mangalore cuisine; Dakshina Kannada

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 6, June 2023,

Pages: 749 - 754

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