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Research Paper | Biotechnology | Libya | Volume 11 Issue 10, October 2022 | Popularity: 4.8 / 10
Enzymatic Properties and Optimization of Immobilized Lipase from Aspergillus niger by using the ZIF-8 as a Carrier
Naeema Matuoog, Latifa Abdel-Hafid Jwieli, Sanaa ALshawish, Ibtisam M. Ahmadi
Abstract: Enzymes are biocompatible and biodegradable molecules, The esoporous hierarchical (ZIF-8) was synthesized in an aqueous solution and prepared using a modulating agent (TEA) to obtaining a hexahedral shape. The (CTAB) was added as a morphological regulating agent. The results of (PXRD) was showed that the morphological properties of ZIF-8 were modified because of the encapsulation. The ANL was encapsulated in ZIF-8, the immobilization efficiencies exceeded 91% and the activity recovery of reached 2150% under the optimized conditions. In terms of enzymatic properties, the results revealed that the temperature and pH stability of the immobilized enzyme increased compared with free lipase.
Keywords: Enzymatic Properties, Aspergillus niger lipase, ANL, ZIF-8, Immobilization, Esterification, Biotechnology, lipases, Zeoliticimidazolate framework, Immobilization efficiency, lipase activity recovery
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 10, October 2022
Pages: 256 - 262
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