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Research Paper | Computer Science | United States of America | Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022 | Popularity: 4.7 / 10
Load Balancers in the Cloud-Research Strategy applied in SAP Cloud
Giridhar Kankanala, Sudheer Amgothu
Abstract: SAP load balancers are used to distribute network traffic across multiple servers in an SAP landscape environment. Load Balancer ensure no single server is over-loaded with requests, thereby harmonizing performance and reliability of the SAP system. Load balancers can be hardware appliances or software-based solutions that are specifically designed to work with SAP applications. They help to optimize resource utilization, improve scalability, and enhance the overall user experience. Moreover, load balancers can provide high availability and fault tolerance by automatically routing traffic away from failed or underperforming servers. This paper elaborates the fundamental concepts of SAP systems are one of large enterprise systems with complex architectures, there are workload load balancers in SAP at every level to distribute traffic balancing workloads at SAP Application Level, Network level, to optimize traffic and reduce latency across intranet/internet, Cloud, In-House/On-Premise, local and Wide Area Networks, Cloud Providers also provide Load Balancers to make sure systems are HIGHLY Available for businesses avoiding outages and make sure systems are available most of the time close to 100% or almost all Cloud Providers are promising above 95% availability.
Keywords: SAP Load Balancer, load balancer on Cloud Providers, load balancers on internal/external traffic
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022
Pages: 1563 - 1565
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