Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Tertiary Care Hospital from Central India
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Medical Microbiology | India | Volume 10 Issue 8, August 2021 | Popularity: 5.1 / 10


Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Tertiary Care Hospital from Central India

Manish Patidar, Dr. Naveen Dhingra

Abstract: Background: Antimicrobial resistance bacteria are the source of a threat to the community and hospital settings. There are many drug resistant human pathogenic bacteria are reported from all over world. Extended spectrum of ? lactamases producing organism are increasing and causing more severe infection due to mutation leads to Multi Drug Resistances (MDR) which make treatment difficult. Aims: The study focus was undertaken to detect the prevalence and susceptibility of Multi drug resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from clinical specimens in a tertiary care hospital. Materials & Methods: Total 110 samples collected from clinical specimen?s urine, blood, pus, sputum of different hospitals and clinics and isolates MDR strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. ESBLs detection by phenotypic double disk synergy method and antimicrobial susceptibility is done by broth dilution method Minimum inhibitory concentration (MICs) breakpoints using AST instrument VITEK 2 machine recommended by CLSI were used to determine the results. Result: Out of 110 isolates n=45 (40.90%) were found to be MDR positive P. aeruginosa strains, majority MDR P. aeruginosa were isolated from pus sample n= 19 (42.22%) followed by urine sample n=12 (26.66%), Blood sample n=09 (20.0%) and sputum sample n=05 (11.11%). The study concluded majority MDR P. aeruginosa were isolated from Pus sample and show highest drug susceptibility against MDR P. aeruginosa are Colistin (MICs?0.5 ?g/ml) & Tigecycline (MICs?0.5 ?g/ml) with lowest MICs values as an efficient choice of treatment among all the tested antibiotics. Urine sample show highest drug susceptibility against MDR P. aeruginosa are Fosfomycin (MICs ?16 mg/ml), Tigecycline (MICs?1?g/ml) as an more efficient treatment pattern followed by Piperacillin/ tazobactam (?4?g/ml), Nitrofurantoin (?16?g/ml), Cefaperazone/ sulbactam (?8?g/ml), Colistin (?0.5?g/ml). Blood sample more efficient choice of antibiotic are Piperacillin/ tazobactam (MICs?4ug/l), Cefoperazone/ sulbactam (MICs?8?g/ml) Tigecycline (MICs?0.5?g/ml) followed by Levofloxacin (?2?g/ml), Colistin (?1?g/ml). In the Sputum sample choice of treatment Colistin (?1.0?g/ml), Tigecycline (?0.5?g/ml), Piperacillin /tazobactam (?4ug/l), Meropenem (?0.25?/ml) Levofloxacin (?2?g/ml), Cefoperazonesulbactam (?8?g/ml) against MDR P. aeruginosa. Colistin, Fosfomycin, Piperacillin/tazobactam, Tigecycline can be suggested as the drugs of choice in our study.

Keywords: Multi drug resistant, MDR, Extended - spectrum beta lactamases, ESBLs, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Antimicrobial drug Susceptibility, Minimum inhibitory Concentration, MICs

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 8, August 2021

Pages: 863 - 869


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Manish Patidar, Dr. Naveen Dhingra, "Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Tertiary Care Hospital from Central India", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 10 Issue 8, August 2021, pp. 863-869,, DOI:

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