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Research Paper | Gynaecology | India | Volume 10 Issue 8, August 2021 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10
Assess the Relationship between Dysmenorrhea and Body Mass Index among Adolescent Girls in Selected Schools at Lucknow
Preetha P, Rachna Pathak, Jyotsna, Vedhika A Vijayan, Jinu
Abstract: Objectives: 1) To assess the body mass index among adolescent girls suffering from dysmenorrhea in selected schools at Lucknow. 2) To assess the intensity of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls. 3) To find out the association between intensity of dysmenorrhea and body mass index among adolescent girls. Methodology: A descriptive study to assess the relationship between dysmenorrhea and body mass index among adolescent girls in selected schools of Lucknow. Total 85 adolescent girls who had attained menarche and having dysmenorrhea of the age group of 12 ? 19 years, studying in Army Public School, Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Sardar Patel Marg, Nehru Marg Lucknow. Were selected by using purposive sampling technique Non experimental quantitative survey approach in which structured questionnaire was used for assessing the socio demographic data, assessment of body mass index and nutritional status, assessment of menstrual history multiple choice questions based on age of menarche, duration, cycle, family history of dysmenorrhea, pain and assessment of intensity of dysmenorrhea (walidd score).Descriptive and inferential statistics was used for the analysis of the tabulated data. Results: Out of 85 respondents maximum subjects belong to the age group of >13yrs-15yrs i.e. 36% and 18% belong to the group of >15yrs-17yrs. Study conducted among 85 adolescent girls who experienced dysmenorrhea The study revealed that out of 85 samples studied 11(12.9%) were under nourished, 61 (71%) had normal BMI ,7(8.3%) were overweight and 6 (7.8%) were found to be obese The dysmenorrhea was assessed using WALIDD Score and study revealed that out of 85 samples studied 32 (37.2%) had mild dysmenorrhea, 36 (42.3%) had moderate dysmenorrhea and 17 (20.5%) had severe dysmenorrhea There is a Significant association between BMI and Dysmenorrhea as the Calculated Value (X2 =48.892) is greater than the Tabulated Value (12.59) and also the p-value (7.837e-09) is lesser than 0.05 at 95% Confidence Level with df as 6.Conclusion:The high prevalence of dysmenorrhea in our study population clearly denotes that dysmenorrhea is a significant public health problem among young adolescent girls. Since there was relationship between Dysmenorrhea and body mass index, the prevalence of dysmenorrhea reveals that some kind of education among adolescent school and college girls becomes necessary to cope with dysmenorrhea and lead a better productive life.
Keywords: dysmenorrhea, adolescents, body mass index
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 8, August 2021
Pages: 277 - 279
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