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Research Paper | Law | Indonesia | Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021 | Popularity: 4.7 / 10
Criminology and Immigration in Organized Transnational Crimes
Mustofa Kamal, Alfitra
Abstract: The high level of human mobility in the millennial era has an ideological, political, economic, social, cultural, defense and security impact on state sovereignty. In the process of human mobilization, it does not only bring positive development to the country. negative impact in the form of crime in the process of human migration. Transnational crime is a serious crime that can be identified with criminological theory. Organized transnational crime (Transnational Organized Crime) can be overcome with a good system in the process of crossing people into and out of the territory of a country. Immigration plays an important role in handling transnational organized crime, both in preventive and repressive efforts. The application of Exclusive Power is the authority of immigration officials in refusing entry to foreigners, delaying departure for Indonesian citizens and punishing subjects suspected of transnational organized crime.
Keywords: Criminology, Immigration, TOC
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021
Pages: 767 - 771
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