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Research Paper | Dentistry | Indonesia | Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021 | Popularity: 5.1 / 10
The Differences in the Preference of Panelists for Organoleptic Test on Mouthwash and Toothpaste of Beluntas Leaf Extract Ingredients
Regina Tedjasulaksana, Maria Martina Nahak, Asep Arifin Senjaya
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in the preference of panelists for organoleptic tests on mouthwash and tooth paste of beluntas leaf extract. This is aquasi-experimental study. The sample size was 32 panelists, selected from volunteers who met the sample inclusion criteria, hereinafter referred to as organoleptic test panelists, will assess the color, aroma and taste of toothpaste and mouth wash of the 10% concentration of beluntas leaf extract with original, mint and mixed fruit flavors using a five digit of hedonic scale: very fond (5), very like (4), neutral (3), dislike (2) and very dislike (1).The results showed that, panelists preferred the color of toothpaste and mouthwash of mixed fruit flavor followed by mint and original flavors. The difference of the assessment was significant with the value of p = 0.032 (p <0.05). Panelists preferred the aroma of toothpaste with mint flavor, followed by mixed fruit and original flavor, the difference in assessment was significant at p = 0.017 (p <0.05). The panelists' assessment of mouthwash showed that the panelists preferred the aroma of mouthwash with mixed fruit flavor, followed by the flavor of mint and original. The difference in assessment was significant at the value of p = 0.019 (p <0.05). Panelists preferred the taste of toothpaste with mixed fruit flavor followed by mint and original flavor.The difference in assessment was significant at the value of p = 0.004 (p <0.05). The assessment of mouthwash showed that panelists preferred the mouthwash with Mint flavor, followed by mixed fruit and original flavor, but the difference in assessment was not significant at the p value = 0.276 (p> 0.05). It can be concluded that the organoleptic test panelists preferred the mouthwash compared to the toothpaste of beluntas leaf extract product. The most preferred toothpaste products are toothpaste with mint aroma and mixed fruit color and flavor, while the most preferred product of mouthwash is the one with aroma and color of mixed fruit and the taste of mint.
Keywords: Organoleptic Test, Panelist, Mouthwash and Toothpaste of Beluntas Leaf Extract
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 6, June 2021
Pages: 437 - 443
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