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Research Paper | Computer Science | Congo | Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
The Stocks Management and the Analysis of Calendar Provisioning: A Study Based over the Multilayer Neurons Network
Tshiela Nkuna Marie Alice, Kaseka Katadi Vivianne, Widjilowu Ne Itchend Sam, Ntumba Badibanga Simon
Abstract: The stock control or the stock management of articles is the trouble that comes across the ventures in the industrial, commercial, agricultural, military and in all economical sectors. The best stock management of an article comes back to order the quantity exactly needed or requested at a precise time. Thus, our aim by writing this paper is focused on procurement. Our thesis statement is how much one must order so that the cost may be taken into account for storage. Thanks to neuron network it is possible to plan the quantity to order for each item in order to satisfy the customers’ need. So, our contribution in this paper consists to make a multilayer network neurons with application in python to reassure the head and the stock manager the functioning of their stock and at the same time answering to the two key questions i. e. « when and how much » one must shop. The aim of this paper is to determine the provisioning calendar.
Keywords: Order management, Network Neurons, stock, calendar
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021
Pages: 702 - 710
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