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Comparative Studies | Psychology Science | Congo | Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
A Look at the Profession of Mental Trainer in Football
Maurice Kakese Masaidi
Abstract: It is true that the main objective of our research in this field of sports psychology would consist not only of promoting the profession of mental trainer or psychologist, but also of making the person known to the general public, which has long been overlooked in this field world. By presenting his profile, his skills, his qualities, his potentialities, his role to play in sport in general, within a football technical staff in particular or either outside the staff, he automatically becomes indebted to athletes in order to to banish ignorance, mistrust, indifference, mistrust and the taboo existing in the head of the federation officials, the sports committee of clubs, coaches, athletes etc. However, the latter has a very important role to play in sporting and professional life. He is certainly a significant expert. Through this literature, we demonstrate his capacities, his performances while giving a remedy to the athlete or the candidate who encounters problems by going back to his insufficiencies, his traumas, his fear. . . during a sporting meeting or in the 'exercise of his profession. Hence, the mental trainer manages and intervenes effectively in community life using his methods and techniques which serve to bring athletes back to perform better on the field while overcoming the smallest details. What is true and important, the contribution of each and every member of the technical staff is to be encouraged insofar as all are called upon to put their efforts together (Technical Director; Tutilary coach, Assistant coach; Goalkeeper coach; attackers or defenders, physical trainer, mental trainer or psychologist etc. . . ) your contributions before, during and after a sporting meeting are of great importance, together we will do exploits.
Keywords: Profession, Mental trainer
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 3, March 2021
Pages: 628 - 636
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