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Research Paper | Ayurveda | India | Volume 10 Issue 2, February 2021 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
A Comparative Study on Efficacy of Erandamooladi Nirooha Yogabasti and Ajamodadi Choorna in the Management of Amavata
Dr. Seeta M. Biradar, Dr. Amit R. Nampalliwar, Dr. Sateesh S. Patil, Dr. Shruti Hiremath
Abstract: Ayurveda being the age old science has taken foremost place in the management of Crippling diseases. Out of these Amavata is among them. Whereas Amavata can be compared to Rheumatoid Arthritis in clinical appearance, it is a chronic joint inflammatory disease where in joint becomes swollen, painful & stiff. Drugs like NSAIDS have side effects whereas DMARDS have renal and hepatic suppression. Nidanaparivarjana, Samshodhana and Samshodhana are principes discussed in Ayurveda for the management of all diseases. . Keeping in the above view. the present study was undertaken to see the efficacy of Erandamooladi Niroohabasti & Ajamodadi choorna in the management of Amavata. For the study, 30 patients having symptoms of Amavata like joint pain, swelling, stiffness, etc were selected from IPD and OPD of Shri Mallikarjun Swamiji Post Graduate & Research Centre, Vijayapur. Here patients were randomly divided into 2 groups. Group-A, 15 patients were administered with Yoga basti that include Erandamooladi niroohabasti and Brhatsaindhavadi taila as anuvasana basti. In Group-B, 15 pateitns were administered with Ajamodadi choorna. Whereas RA factor, Heamatological and Routine tests as Hb %, ESR are carried out. For the assessment of results, the clinical parameters were followed. The results obtained were statistically analyzed and the mean percentage, S. D, S. E, and ‘t’value by using the paired ‘t’ test were calculated. After the study, it was observed that, Group-A of patients in which Yogabasti was given have significant results compared to the patients of Ajamodadi of Group-B.
Keywords: Ama, Agni, Amavata, Erandamooladiniroohabasti, Ajamodadichoorna
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 2, February 2021
Pages: 1220 - 1224
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