International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Medical Science | India | Volume 10 Issue 1, January 2021 | Rating: 7 / 10


Raj-Yoga Meditation is a Better Treatment Option for Depression: A Comparative Prospective Randomized Study at Tertiary Care Centre of Central India

Dr. Hema Sahu, Dr. Bhupendra Singh, Dr. P K Joel, Dr. Sudha Mehta, Dr. Pushpa Pandey

Abstract: Introduction: Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder which causes both deleterious and cumulative effects on body. Depression often leads to disability, workplace absenteeism, decreased productivity and high suicide rates. It is one of the common mental disorders which presents with depressed mood, anxiety, loss of interest in pleasurable activities, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. Objective: To study and compare the impact of Raj-yoga Meditation with Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) therapy and Medication in reducing the severity depressive symptoms and changes in quality of life in patients with depression. Materials & Methods: The study was conducted on 279 depressive patients (According to ICD-10) aged 16-40 years. These patients were randomized in a 1: 1: 1 ratio for two months of treatment in three cohorts’ i. e. , Medical treatment; Raj-yoga Meditation and Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy. Severity of depression (Beck Depression Inventory) and quality of life (WHOQOL - BREF) were assessed at baseline before institution of treatment, one month and two months of the institution of treatment. Results: Findings of the study revealed that there were significance differences in all three groups. There were significant improvements in severity of depression on BDI score from the baseline in each cohort. In medication group from 39.95 ± 12.556 to 20.09 ± 12.6389 (49.68 %, P<0.0001), in Raj-yoga meditation group from33.59 ± 11.856 to6.35 ± 6.509 (81.09 %, P<0.0001), in PMR group from 36.09 ± 10.862 to 18.88 ± 10.858. (49.71 %, P<0.001). However, in Raj-yoga meditation group response was superior from other two cohorts. Same here with Quality of life there was improvement in QOL BREF score from base line in each group. In medication group from 58.13±15.04to 76.20±18.26 (16.42 %), in Raj-yoga meditation group from 68.30±11.88to 88.97±10.16 (21.55 %), in PMR group from 62.10±10.68to 86.05±11.92. (35.26 %). No significant difference amongst the group after two months of follow up. Conclusions: Raj-yoga Meditation therapy reduces the levels of depression considerably and improves the overall quality of life. We conclude that regular yogic practice and adapting and implementing the principals of Autogenic relaxation training (Raj-yoga Meditation) in day-to-day life may decrease the severity of depression and improve the subjective feeling of well- being. Further, it also reduces the burden of cost and unwanted side effects of drugs.

Keywords: Depression, Quality of life, Raj-yoga meditation, Progressive Muscle Relaxation Training

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 1, January 2021

Pages: 1496 - 1500

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