International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Agricultural Economics | Benin | Volume 11 Issue 4, April 2022 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10


Socio-Economic and Environmental Effects of Hydro-Agricultural Developments in the Hills Department (Benin, West Africa)

Kouderin A. Lucie, Avahounlin Ringo F., Kelome C. Nelly, Ligali Souleman, Ouassa Pierre, Mitchozounon Renaud, Avahounlin Josaphath, Vissin Expedit W.

Abstract: The development of hydro-agricultural infrastructure offers real possibilities for improving agricultural production but, have an impact on society and the environment. The objective of this study is to identify the effects of hydro-agricultural practices on the life the peasant, the environment and the health of the population in the collines Department. The methodological approach adopted enabled the investigation to collect the information about strategies and techniques for controlling water resources for agricultural purpose and provide information of the socio-economic developments in the collines department. The SWOT (Stregths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) was used to analysis the hydro-agricol?s pratices effects over soci-economic and environmental and development on the population life in hills department. On count 31, 12% of producers rise fertilizer dose to hope expansion of productivity capacity. This chemical fertilizer used to rise productivity capacity and protect field counter destroyers cause eutrophication. Eutrophication have like consequences the expansion of noxious species of the decline of oxygen who hand back difficult aquatics species life. For the sustainability of the techniques for controlling water resources without major impact on the life of the populations in the Hills, it is necessary to consider evaluating the negative and positive impacts, the degree of modification of the chemical structure of the soils and the state of vulnerability to pollution of water resources due to hydro-agricultural practices.

Keywords: Socio-economic and environmental effect, hydro-agricultural developments, hills department

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 4, April 2022

Pages: 603 - 609

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Kouderin A. Lucie, Avahounlin Ringo F., Kelome C. Nelly, Ligali Souleman, Ouassa Pierre, Mitchozounon Renaud, Avahounlin Josaphath, Vissin Expedit W., "Socio-Economic and Environmental Effects of Hydro-Agricultural Developments in the Hills Department (Benin, West Africa)", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 11 Issue 4, April 2022, pp. 603-609,