Construction Industry Tomorrow: Post COVID - Implementations on Project Management Factors and Strategies
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Construction Management | India | Volume 10 Issue 11, November 2021 | Popularity: 4.5 / 10


Construction Industry Tomorrow: Post COVID - Implementations on Project Management Factors and Strategies

AR. Shilpa Muralidhar, AR. Salil Dogra, AR. Garima Singh

Abstract: The Global Health risk all over the world got affected by COVID-19 pandemic situation. The day-to-day life transformed from pre-COVID to post-COVID scenarios with uncertainty, ambiguity and many disruptions. Every Country was affected from this unexpected health risk of Pandemic along with our Country. Many Industries of all walks of life got majorly affected due to nationwide lockdowns and checks on safety, security system of the workers and workplace. Construction Industry is one such industry got majorly transformed embracing many technological interventions, remote working of the seniors, managers and managing the delay, disruptions, less work-force, quality, safety and security checks at most of the projects. The Need of hour to be responsible, considerate citizens to help each other not only medically but also economically, physically and emotionally. This reflected, revised, re-considered in all sectors around the country for major improvement to make the health safety, security, effective progress and growth of the people and its environment.

Keywords: Construction Industry Tomorrow, Post-COVID Scenarios, Safety and Construction Management methods, Project Management factors for implementation, Necessary Technological innovations

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 11, November 2021

Pages: 1163 - 1167


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AR. Shilpa Muralidhar, AR. Salil Dogra, AR. Garima Singh, "Construction Industry Tomorrow: Post COVID - Implementations on Project Management Factors and Strategies", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 10 Issue 11, November 2021, pp. 1163-1167,, DOI: