International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Arts and Humanities | Morocco | Volume 10 Issue 11, November 2021

English-Based Language Attitudes of Moroccan Learners with Different Amounts of English-Based School Instruction

Yassine AIT HAMMOU | Naima TRIMASSE | Mohamed ELGHAZI [2]

Abstract: From the perspective of language attitude research, attitudinal positions towards languages have been identified as a significant factor contributing to shaping languages' status, role, and function in several spheres where they compete and overlap for social, economic, and political power and dominance. In this regard, Morocco's multilingual profile is characterized by the presence of multiple languages, including English, which is used in various spheres in the country, notably in education. Hence, the current study explores (a) the extent to which English-based language attitudes of Moroccan secondary school learners with different amounts of English-based school instruction are similar or different and (b) whether the variables of English-based language attitudes and English-based school instruction are significantly related. The study adopted a mixed-method approach of investigation whereby two instruments were employed to collect data: questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. 344 informants from the 9th, 10th, and 12th grades completed the questionnaires. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 32 students. Data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings showed no statistically significant differences in the 9th, 10th, and 12th groups' positive attitudes towards English and no statistically significant association between the three groups' different amounts of English school instruction and their similarly positive attitudes towards English. More interestingly, the informants' awareness of the instrumental and pragmatic aspects of the English language significantly influences their positive attitudes towards English. Accordingly, it is suggested that the state revisits language policy and planning to promote the status of English in a number of spheres, the most important of which is education. It is also recommended that Morocco's language-in-education policy be more favorable to English by embracing Moroccan students' predisposition towards learning English.

Keywords: English Instruction, Language Attitudes, Language Policy and Planning, Learners, Morocco

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 11, November 2021,

Pages: 996 - 1011

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