International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Case Studies | General Surgery | India | Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10


Omental Evisceration after Cesarean Section: Safety of Peritoneal Nonclosure Technique

Dr. Vipul Trivedi, Dr. Faizan Saiyed

Abstract: A case of big oozing lump of unknown origin through a healed cesarean section stitch line, completely asymptomatic at presentation, origin discovered as omentum on exploratory laparotomy came on 10th postoperative day of an uneventful emergency surgery. This rare and silent presentation highlights the need to reconsider the practice of peritoneal nonclosure during caesarean section that has been adopted widely in recent past. It also calls for meticulous dissection and repair of rectus sheath during laparotomy

Keywords: caesarean section, peritoneal non closure, laprotomy

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020

Pages: 1189 - 1191

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Dr. Vipul Trivedi, Dr. Faizan Saiyed, "Omental Evisceration after Cesarean Section: Safety of Peritoneal Nonclosure Technique", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020, pp. 1189-1191,, DOI: